
ProKarma posts featuring the latest News, Events, Blogs and more connecting you with the latest Analytics insights. Obtain valuable insights from ProKarma and our talented employees and begin optimizing your organization today.

Developments in big data in supply chain and logistics

Supply chain and logistics experts were hard at work managing data long before Big Data and analytics became staples in every other industry. Read more... Read more

Disrupting the insurance industry with DevOps

PK latest blog explains how DevOps is disrupting the insurance industry and the use of Agile methodologies enhance operations. Read more

Three tips for managing retail data during back-to-school shopping season

Big Data is helping retailers enhance insights into their customers' purchase decisions, leading to increased sales revenue in the process. Read more

Three ways disparate software systems are costing you deals!

Great business systems provide value by managing data and workflows that streamline processes and pave the way for tons of insights guiding your everyday and strategic business decisions. But... Read more

10 Tips for evaluating CRM and marketing automation software

CRM and marketing automation software have rapidly advanced in the past few years. Major CRM tools have been around for years and have kept up with cloud and mobile... Read more