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AP2CD™: The last healthcare acronym you will ever need

Put a freshly grilled steak between two starving dogs and it is inevitable that both canines will fight to their last breath to gain ownership of the morsel. In... Read more

Three tips for managing retail data during back-to-school shopping season

Big Data is helping retailers enhance insights into their customers' purchase decisions, leading to increased sales revenue in the process. Read more

Common and standardized terminology delivers trusted data for trusted analytics

Most of us are familiar with the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel.  In trying to reach the heavens, a group of people began the erection of a... Read more

Heavy lifting of data as a precursor to successful healthcare analytics

In 1953, a British expedition, led by John Hunt arrived in Nepal.  Hunt selected two climbing pairs to attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The first pair... Read more

Data marts as a sustainability strategy

Grocery chains all across this great land stumbled upon a quirk about human nature that has led to massive profits over time.  We all have a need to be... Read more

At the intersection of DevOps and Millennials

The technology industry is no stranger to Millennials and their collaborative instincts and non-traditional workforce roles. Read how DevOps and Millennials intersect. Read more

Population health as the indicator, gaps in care as the call to action

Most of you who are in the upper half of the age demographic brackets will surely remember a time when all cars came equipped with a dashboard full of... Read more

The empowered ACO makes informed and proactive decisions

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) including participating Providers and Payers wrestle with growing, increasingly risk diverse patient populations, and higher patient expectations for health outcomes, provider performance, and decreasing share... Read more