
Webinar: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics

In this webinar, the presenters will briefly unpack the history of geospatial epidemiology and also present relevant customer case studies. The presentation will also deliver a step-by-step demonstration on how to integrate real-world data on diseases and epidemics with self-service analytics to deliver actionable insights to enable rapid response to a disease outbreak or pandemic.

Webinar: Winning with experience-focused customer success

In this 45-minute webinar, we will explore the essential building blocks of a world-class Customer Success program and dispel common myths around what it takes to help your customers be successful. We'll provide practical tips on how to assess your plan and adjustments you can make to drive retention and customer satisfaction.

Webinar: Planning for uncertainty

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:
-Run a virtual scenario planning workshop.
-Drive team alignment around a shared forward path.
-Interpret and devise a plan to respond to the structural changes impacting your industry.