How developers can operationalize bots
POSTED : April 14, 2020
BY : Ajmeer Ali Liyakkathali

Reports suggest that more than 33% of companies today have piloted or implemented a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) initiative. But not all projects are successful; in fact, some studies have found that RPA projects miss deadlines more than 60% of the time and have failure rates of 30%-50%.

Bot operationalization can be challenging, but developers can follow some key best practices to put bots into action in everyday work.

Read parts 1 and 2 at ComputerWeekly.


Ajmeer Ali Liyakkathali serves as associate director of intelligent automation at Concentrix Catalyst. He is an RPA architect and automation leader with more than 14 years of experience in the financial and healthcare industries. At Concentrix Catalyst, he applies his broad and deep knowledge of business, technologies, RPA, AI and project management to help engineer experiences for clients.